Adam Howarth Adam Howarth

Bumco Baby Bum Brush


A long time ago someone in a leadership role over me asked me a simple series of questions when noticing I was stuck on a large problem. He asked, “Have you ever been bitten by an elephant?” Of which, I clearly replied that I had not. He followed with, “Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito?” Clearly I had and admitted such. The lesson he shared, “It’s the little stuff that gets you.” It took me a bit to fully understand how profound that exchange would be for me — but I have really leaned into it over the years and have grown to appreciate some of the small things that happen in life.

That said, since having our first child a little over six years ago, there have been some products that really have shown themselves to be small, but mighty in the grand scheme of things. If you asked me then that now I would have fallen so in love with a silicone butt paste brush (spatula), I would have thought you were crazy. But… here I am.

Diaper changes are a huge moment of vulnerability for parents and I learned some hard lessons early on about being prepared to ensure I don’t get any old, or new, messes on me as I clean up the little one. Quickly, I started sliding a fresh diaper under the old one in case an impromptu #1 or #2 decided to join the fun. Next, I learned to get butt paste on the brush and stick it nearby so it was ready to get a protective barrier on little one with the tenacity of a Formula One pit stop. A secondary benefit was not having all that diaper rash cream on my hands needing to be cleaned off when in public, or even at home. It’s also an easy clean with a baby wipe and back into the travel case it goes until getting home to do a deeper clean in boiling water.

Whether for your own use, or as a gift to another family with a little one, I recommend this product wholeheartedly and if you purchase through my link, I may qualify for a small commission which will allow me to continue my journey as a stay-at-home dad and be able to contribute more to our family than just my time and effort.

All the best!


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